
Saturday, January 1, 2011


I pray.  I listen.  I close my eyes and see seven letters finger-painted gold across mind's window:  Believe. 

Believe your dreams.  Believe my words to you.  Believe what you've seen.  Saints strewn on heaven-clouds, giddily expectant like Magi kings and Shepherd flock and Holy Mother ready to give birth, all a-watch-and-wait, and angel armies flaming fire, helping fellow sojourners find their way by faith.  Believe the harvest comes.

Believe I will not be silent, though I can best be heard in sleepy still of early morning when sky stretches wide with fiery red, and songbirds join a Capella to wake the earth, and raindrops soaking wet the green; and in the inky dark of night, when hope dims and fear jabs sharp, and pain and strife threaten to steal your peace of mind, and yet you praise Me, sing love that chases clouds away.

Believe Justice rolls on ancient stones.  River Rock, all drenched in holy, crams Earth's sphere with Word-made-flesh again and again.  Treasures revealed.  Mysteries concealed unlocked and set in motion.  Generations complete.  Kairos and chronos in sync.  All lost now found.  My kingdom comes.

Believe you were chosen for this season.  Rise up on wings like eagles.  Run and don't be weary.  Reach high and grab hold that which can't be seen by common eyes, and pull God-plans into reality. The fig has blossomed.  My dove looks on.  Seven-fold Spirit descends with strength and joy.  I have baptized you with my love.

Believe I am up to something big and wild, extravagant.  My promises made manifest.  My resting place washed luminous.  Sacred Lamb, Exultant King, Firstborn of many brothers, He walks the earth again--One Seed yields many seeds--like Father the sons.  Beauty rises from ashes.  See Glory-shine upon my children.

It is time.  Spirit-Wind and Remnant Bride say Come!

"  It is not hard for the Lord to turn night into day. He that sends the clouds can as easily clear the skies. Let us be of good cheer. It is better farther on.  Let us sing Hallelujah by anticipation."
- Charles H. Spurgeon

I am sharing this word for 2011 with Bonnie @ Faith Barista Jam.  Come share with us?

Photo Courtesy:  flickr - Mykl Roventine


  1. Believe is an excellent word to start the new year with. It IS all about that, isn't it? Believing in God and His love and power and mercy no matter what we see happening around us.

    This goes along with a quote on a 2010 calendar by Susan Branch: "Faith is the bird that feels the light AND sings when the dawn is still dark."
    Blessings to you as you begin the new year "believing."

  2. "Let us sing hallelujah by anticipation ..."

    a true act of believing

  3. Beautiful way to start the new year... as this word plants itself in your heart, may His Spirit water it and we can enjoy the fruits of your journey. Just tweeted this, Melissa. Thank you so much for sharing something precious in the new year together.

  4. "Believe I am up to something big and wild, extravagant." This is something we all need to believe. God will use us. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You can't go wrong with believe!


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