
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Worship is the submission of all our nature to God.  It is the quickening of conscience by his holiness, the nourishing of the mind with his truth, the purifying of the imagination by his beauty, the opening of the heart to his love, the surrender of the will to his purpose.  -William Temple
Worship is the giving of myself to another in exchange for the hope of knowing by experience, the essence of what I have given myself to.  It is the willingness to be compelled by a strength not my own, even to the point of being swallowed up by it. 
Worship is what I do when I am face down in my tears, eating the sandy grit of need, and when lying in a daisy field looking up into the clouds, feeling joy surge through my veins like electricity.
Worship is what I do with the best and worst of me. 
Worship can be messy.  There is no way to stop it's dripping all over me.  The more I bow the knee, the more it saturates me, until I am drunk, giddy, free of my insecurity and bound to be...different. Worship changes the substance of who I am, and eventually, becomes me.

What have you worshiped lately?

Photo Credit: flickr - .j.e.n.n.y.


  1. I love how you describe worship, being swallowed up by it. Beautiful words, beautiful blog.

  2. Thank you Terresa. You have a beautiful name--like my sister's, and spelled with a double R like my Grandmother used to say it. Your blog is amazing. I have taken a few peeks and feel like I did when I was younger--with a pocket-full of pennies in the candy store. I hope you will stop by again. Blessings!


I welcome and appreciate your kind words and comments.